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English Collocation Dictionary

자연스럽게 붙어 다니는 단어들의 chunk 정리가 잘 되어있다. 

decision noun


big, crucial, fateful, important, key, landmark
major, momentous
It was a big decision to have to make. In a landmark decision, the court agreed to hear evidence from twenty years earlier.
| difficult, hard, tough
the difficult decision of whether to go to university or nurse her sick mother
| firm
We need a firm decision by Friday.
| prompt, snap
I had to make a snap decision about what to do with the money.
| hasty, knee-jerk, rash | final, irreversible, irrevocable
On Monday, the board of directors will meet to make their final decision. The decision is irreversible.
| informed
I need more facts before I can make an informed decision.
| arbitrary | good, rational, right, sensible, wise | bad, poor, unwise, wrong | collective, joint, unanimous
In the end, the decision to scrap the project was unanimous.
| majority, split | court, government, etc. | investment, policy, etc.


arrive at, come to, make, reach, take
Key decisions are always taken by the editor.
| announce, give (sb)
The committee will give us their decision tomorrow.
| abide by
The decision has been made, and we must all abide by it.
| affirm, uphold
The management committee upheld her decision to fire two of her staff.
| reconsider | appeal against, challenge
plans to challenge this decision in the High Court
| overrule, overturn, quash, reverse
Nobody has the authority to overrule his decision.
| defer